Rejuvenate Your Feet with an Earthing Massage Foot Spa Bath

Treat yourself to a soothing and grounding foot spa bath at home, inspired by the principles of earthing. This recipe will not only relax your feet but also connect you with the earth’s natural energies.


• Warm Water: Enough to fill a basin or tub

• Epsom Salt: 1/2 cup

• Baking Soda: 1/4 cup

• Essential Oils: 5-10 drops (optional; lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus are great choices)

• Fresh Herbs: Mint, rosemary, or lavender (optional)

• Smooth Stones or Marbles: For massaging

• Towel: For drying your feet

• Moisturizer or Foot Cream: For post-soak hydration


1. Preparation:

• Ensure your basin or tub is clean and large enough to comfortably fit both feet.

• Gather all your ingredients and tools.

2. Water Preparation:

• Fill the basin or tub with warm water, ensuring it’s at a comfortable temperature.

• Add 1/2 cup of Epsom salt and 1/4 cup of baking soda to the water. Stir until dissolved.

• If using essential oils, add 5-10 drops of your chosen oil(s) and stir.

• Optionally, add fresh herbs to the water for an added touch of luxury and natural fragrance.

3. Setting Up:

• Place the smooth stones or marbles at the bottom of the basin. These will act as massage tools for your feet.

• Keep a towel nearby for drying your feet afterward.

4. Foot Bath:

• Sit comfortably and immerse your feet in the prepared foot spa bath.

• Allow your feet to soak for 15-20 minutes. During this time, gently roll your feet over the stones or marbles to massage them.

• Focus on relaxing and enjoying the experience.

5. Finishing Up:

• After soaking, remove your feet from the water and pat them dry with the towel.

• Apply a generous amount of moisturizer or foot cream to your feet, massaging it in thoroughly.

• For an earthing experience, take a short walk barefoot on grass, sand, or any natural surface to connect with the earth and enhance relaxation.

Enjoy this simple yet effective foot spa bath to relieve stress, reduce swelling, and soothe your tired feet. Indulge in this earthing massage regularly to maintain a sense of balance and well-being.

This recipe should help you create a relaxing and grounding experience at home!

#FootSpa #EarthingMassage #SelfCare #Relaxation #DIYSpa #HomeSpa #NaturalHealing #EpsomSalt #EssentialOils #HealthyFeet #Wellness #Grounding #HolisticHealth

Londy Perusquia